A Guide to Merger and Acquisition Terminology. by James S. Twerdahl, 2021. A glossary of terms used by brokers and investment bankers when completing an acquisition. M&A Terminology.
A Manager's Guide to Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions, Consulting, and General Business Intelligence Gathering. by James S. Twerdahl, 1995 with annual updates. This 60 page workbook is designed to be an interactive aid in gathering detailed information on middle market and smaller non-public companies. This publication is made available through the company.
Ten Reasons to Hold Marketing Retreats to Build your Business and Your Brand. Brandchannel, a division of Interbrand, July 14, 2018.
Taking the Mystery from Product Naming. by James S. Twerdahl and Leland D. Shaeffer, BrandChannel, division of Interbrand, July 25, 2015.
Product Naming, Innova , European Journal of Food Innovation, October 2005.
Lack Marketing Depth? Form a Marketing Advisory Board,, August, 2006.
"Giving Your Product the Right Name", PDMA ToolBook 3, Product Development Management Association, Chapter 8, 2007.
“Taking the Mystery from Product Naming”, Chapter in Product Launch Management: Concepts and Cases , Jalaja, T, editor, 2006.
“Taking the Mystery from Product Naming”, July 17, 2006, Guest Columnist, Core Marketing, .
" Carving Out Your Piece of a Business: Figuring out how much of a stake to keep in a joint venture can be tricky. Here are some things to consider." Business Week, April 7, 2005,
"Does Your Business Need a Matchmaker? Seeking strategic partnerships? Here are some tips on whether you're better off calling in the pros or attempting it on your own.", Business Week , April 28, 2005,
Finding the Right Business Partner Takes Time, Interaction.” Los Angeles Times, Business Section, March 29, 2006,